Easy and reliable method to evaluate your dental irrigant water quality. Simply collect water samples and place in provided mailer. Samples are received and processed immediately. Easy to Use - Simply collect water samples from each dental unit in a separate test vial and place in provided mailer. Samples are received and processed immediately. Results are faxed to you after 7 days of incubation. Peace of Mind - Ensure a safe and healthy environment for patients and staff. Complete - Everything you need for effective dental unit water-line testing. Each DUWL testing kit includes refrigerant pack, collection vials, styrofoam mailer, and pre-paid express mail postage. Meets Guidelines - Provide third-party documentation of water quality based on heterotrophic plate counts. Results are reported in a pass/fail format based on the CDC's 500 CFU/mL standard and reported in a range of 100 to 20,000 CFU/mL. Accurate Results - Test failures are immediately phoned to your office. Complete test results are faxed or emailed to your office. Laboratory testing protocols are based on the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th edn., 1998. CDC Guidelines Sales Brochure