Product Name: Bio-Pure Complete Evacuation System “Restore” Bio-Pure Complete Evacuation System “Cleaner” Product Description: Bio-Pure Is GUARANTEED to restore vacuum line suction & eliminate daily trap cleaning! BIO-PURE HAS a Neutral pH (SAFE FOR AMALGAM SEPARATORS) AND ALL PUMP EQUIPEMENT. OUR PROPRIETARY MICROBIAL FORMULA IS 100% ALL NATURAL. Bio-Pure does the whole job and continues to clean between uses; chemicals just can't do that. “GO GREEN” - Guaranteed to Improve Vacuum Line Suction - Eliminates Trap Hand Cleaning - Removes Prophy Paste Buildup - Has a Neutral pH & Cleans Between Uses - Non-Foaming Proprietary Formula - No Fillers - 100% All Natural & Safe - Weekly Cost $1.45 Per Operatory - No More Slogging Down During a Busy Day - ADA & EPA - Amalgam Compliant - Recommended by Leading Service Techs